One year ago, RCN SOLUTIONS started its activity on the social media.

Very shyly, the company approached the world of social network with a mixture of excitement and challenge.

But we have a great and skilful commander: our social media Specialist, Giorgio Bottiglioni, who has been capable of involving all the RCN heads into this new adventure, with great motivation, patience and convinced of the importance of the team’s contribution.

Giorgio is an empathic person, ready to listen to our opinions and, with curious attitude, he picks up the signals and transform them into communications.

“We have studied, we have shared ideas in several brainstorming, and most of all we have shared intense and friendly moments of cooperation. We have worked together with commitment and enjoying the results.”
Says Roberta Cometti – International relations manager of RCN SOLUTIONS.

Thanks to Giorgio for his professional support. Here we go!